Our Client Experience Survey 2022 included the following results:
- 95% of clients trusted the professionals they saw.
- 98% were extremely likely or likely to recommend Revive.
- 74% of clients are female, 25% are male.
- 82% of clients are 45+
- 55% of clients received their MS diagnosis more than 10 years ago.
- 57% found out about Revive from a healthcare professional.
- 53% of clients have used the Café in the past year, 46% attended an exercise class and 45% saw a Complementary Therapist.
- 53% of clients have used the Café in the past year, 46% attended an exercise class and 45% saw a Complementary Therapist.
- 31% of clients said that evening or Saturday opening hours would increase their visits to the centre.
- 89% of clients said it was easy enough to get an appointment all or most of the time.
- 58% of clients said that Revive helped with emotional and mental wellbeing.
Our summary of the Client Experience Survey 2022 is available to download below or from reception.