September 5, 2024

Fatigue Management group starts on Wednesday 6th November.

The course runs for six weeks, on Wednesdays from 10am-12pm. Join us for advice and support for managing your fatigue symptoms. The group is facilitated by Geraldine Mynors and Sheila Miller from the Revive team.

Course dates

  • 6, 13, 20, 27 November
  • 4, 11 December

Call us on 0141 945 3344 or email to book.

Feedback from previous groups

Brian, diagnosed with MS in 2017: “Fatigue is my number one symptom. The course was very beneficial and opened my eyes to fatigue. I learned to listen to my body and not push myself if I don’t have the energy. You realise you’re not alone; the group was a great bunch, we supported each other and Sheila and Jacqui were really good and very open”.

Fiona, diagnosed with MS in 2018: “I am affected by fatigue every day. I was nice to speak with others who understand MS and have the support of the group. Jacqui and Sheila  were really nice and supportive. I learned to not push myself, to take my time and to break tasks into smaller chunks. When I came out of Revive, I felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders.”