During our opening hours, reception staff will be available to provide assistance as required.
We are open from:
- 9.30am – 4.30pm, Monday – Wednesday
- 9.30am – 7.30pm, Thursday
- 9.30am – 4.30pm, Friday

The reception desk is located at the entrance in the main foyer reception; facing the door. It is an open desk with no glass.
There is a lowered section of the desk.
Everyone – including clients, staff, volunteers, carers and any visitors – is required to sign in and out of the building. There is a paper sign-in sheet for this at reception. Our team at reception can assist with this as required.
You can contact Revive via Contact Scotland BSL – Scotland’s British Sign
Language Interpreting Video Relay Service – for all enquiries.
We have a tablet at reception which has the SayHi Translate app on it. This translates into any spoken language so we are able to communicate with all clients.
There are four chairs with armrests available for public use while you are waiting for appointments. Extra chairs can be brought into reception as required.

We have wheelchairs available at reception for use in the building, please ask a member of staff if you would like to use one.
The accessibility guide is available in large print format from reception.
Centre maps are available in A4 and A3 print versions at reception. You are welcome to take these throughout the building.
The area is well-lit with natural daylight and overhead bulb lighting.
The reception area can be noisy when the building is busy.
The flooring is a light carpet and there is clear level access to the rest of the ground floor (containing the cafe, treatment rooms, gym, Hyperbaric Oxygen area, toilets and lift). The corridor measures 1.8m / 70.9 inches in width.
Noise levels vary throughout the building. Please ask a member of staff if you would like advice on a quieter space during your visit.