Counselling at Revive
Many of life’s problems are solved or accepted by talking with friends or family. However, at times this is not enough. Seeking counselling is about making a positive choice to get help by talking confidentially with a professionally trained listener who has no connection to you. The counselling service at Revive offers a safe and confidential place to talk about your thoughts, feelings and concerns and explore what is happening in your life.
Counselling at Revive is offered both one to one and also in small groups.
Our MS Nurse will assess your mental state at your initial appointment and following this you may be offered counselling. Revive clients are also welcome to refer themselves to the counselling service at any time and can also be referred by other health professionals on the team.
Demand for counselling is high and we operate a waiting list. When you are referred, you will be told approximately how long it will be before you are offered an appointment.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
The type of counselling offered in Revive is based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT).
CBT is a talking therapy which focuses on the impact of thoughts, feelings, beliefs and behaviour in our lives. A variety of tools, techniques and support is used to help you understand and cope with what you are experiencing.
Counselling has been shown to be very effective for problems including depression, all kinds of anxiety, reaching acceptance of loss, and overcoming trauma.
Reflections and tasks may be given between sessions to help progress.
The Counsellors
Revive has fully qualified, experienced counsellors who have a wide knowledge of MS and the effect it can have on a person’s life.
Student counsellors who are in the later stages of their training also work at Revive.
Our counsellors are members of professional bodies, ensuring the highest professional and clinical standards. They also have regular clinical supervision.
Couples Counselling
Are you struggling with your partner to come to terms with how MS has affected your relationship? Do you feel that your connection has been strained by what MS brings?
Our counselling service is now able to see a small number of couples for sessions together to work on improving communication and finding happiness in the face of one person having MS.

Art Therapy

Art Therapy is a new element of our 1:1 counselling service.
Our art therapist uses drawing, painting and other art forms to help people express thoughts, feelings and experiences which may be difficult for them to put into words. Being good at art is not required!
Who can use the service?
The service is available to anyone with MS living in Scotland. Your reasons for counselling will be unique to you and the counsellor will help to explore these with you.
Counselling does not need only to be about MS.
Counselling may also be of value to those close to the individual with MS and the service is available to family members and carers.
Counselling takes place over approximately nine sessions and each weekly session is fifty minutes long. Some people have more or fewer sessions as needed.
Counselling is mainly done face-to-face in the Revive building. We can also offer online video appointments if it is difficult to attend the centre. We will aim to find a way that works best for you.
All sessions are conducted in strict confidence.
Counselling notes at Revive are kept separate from other clinical records and stored securely. Only a brief summary is put into the main notes at the end of treatment.
All information shared by you is kept confidential within the session. The only time information would leave the room is if the counsellor had concerns about your safety or the safety of someone else. This would always be discussed with you.
Student counsellors need to make audio recordings of sessions from time to time to be shared confidentially with their supervisors. They will ask your permission before they do this.

Your first appointment will be about finding out how your difficulties are currently affecting you and what your goals for counselling are.