Physiotherapy at Revive

Physiotherapy can help people with MS at any stage of their condition. It plays a therapeutic and preventive role in the management of MS symptoms. It can also help you maintain your physical abilities.

Our team of physiotherapists are very experienced in working with people with MS. We adapt all our interventions to your own specific needs and abilities.

We offer a range of physiotherapy services for people of all abilities. We provide one-to-one appointments and a range of exercise classes. These include Tai Chi, Pilates, Yoga, MS Get a Head Start, and our general exercise classes.

Our team works closely with colleagues in the NHS, and we aim to provide a seamless service.

On your first visit, one of our team will perform an assessment. We will then discuss with you the most appropriate treatment and exercise.

Huge thanks to Roche Products Ltd who have awarded a grant of £60,000 towards our Empower MS Programme, which is maintaining and developing our physiotherapy and exercise classes over 2 years. This will enable Revive to significantly improve the overall quality of life, mental and emotional wellbeing, and independence of people living with MS. This activity has been partly funded by an independent arm’s length grant from Roche Products Ltd. Roche Products Ltd have had no editorial influence or organisational involvement in the project.

Possible benefits of physiotherapy

  • Improved awareness and understanding of movement
  • Enhanced fitness
  • Improved management of pain
  • Improved function and joint mobility
  • Improved balance
  • Maximise strength and coordination
Four people are seated at a gym class. They all have one leg stretched out and are leaning forward. One woman is looking up and smiling at another.

Exercises To Try Yourself

What you say about our exercise classes

“Invigorating and Confidence Building”

“A Feel Good Factor”


“Everyone Together”


Our physiotherapists are available at our Govan Centre and can offer virtual appointments through ‘Near Me’.